Denying our spirituality is pure idiocy because it exists in love, hate, emotion, remorse, sadness, joy and so on. In fact, the spiritual function is the highest in humans, which is different from other animals, which live only through instinct. Imagination, for example, only exists in the human soul. Spirituality is so unique that it is independent of any religion. Even some atheists take it into account, such as André Comte-Sponville in his book, The Spirit of Atheism. According to philosopher Schopenhauer, Man is a metaphysical being.
The brain, in fact, exists as an instrument of the soul to communicate, just as animals, however, are unaware of their existence. As perfect as a robot is, with a brain just like man's, it will never be aware of its existence. Spirit is an open door to our physical finitude for eternity and our relativity to the absolute.
Religions are actually the result of this spiritual quest for a better world beyond the grave.
Anibal Werneckfreitas.
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